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Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy.

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Date Дата: 3 июля 2010 | Смотрели Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy. Просмотров: 1044
Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy.

Название: Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy
Автор: Bill Jelen
Серия: Внесерийное издание
Издательство: Holy Macro! Books
Год выпуска: 2007 год
Страниц: 183 страниц
Язык: Английский
Формат файла: RAR/PDF
Размер файла: 12.28 MB
In this addendum to "Learn Excel from Mr. Excel," the amazing new features offered in Excel 2007 are introduced. Revealing the features that make this new version the best new release of Excel since 1997, this guide provides the necessary information to teach users to quickly unleash the powerful new features in Excel 2007, create incredible-looking charts, customize color themes to match their corporate logo, utilize data-visualization tools, and learn Pivot Table improvements.
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