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Excel by Example: A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers.

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Date Дата: 12 июля 2010 | Смотрели Excel by Example: A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers. Просмотров: 1065
Excel by Example: A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers.

Название: Excel by Example: A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers
Автор: Aubrey Kagan
Серия: Внесерийное издание
Издательство: Newnes
Год выпуска: 2004 год
Страниц: 385 страниц
Язык: Английский
Формат файла: RAR/PDF
Размер файла: 28.71 MB
The spreadsheet has become a ubiquitous engineering tool, and Microsoft Excel is the standard spreadsheet software package. Over the years, Excel has become such a complex program that most engineers understand and use only a tiny part of its power and features. This book is aimed at electronics engineers and technicians in particular, showing them how to best use Excel%27s features for computations, circuit modeling, graphing, and data analysis as applied to electronics design. Separate chapters cover lookup tables and file I/O, using macros, graphing, controls, using Analysis Toolpak for statistical analysis, databases, and linking into Excel from other sources, such as data from a serial port. The book is basically an engineering cookbook, with each chapter providing tutorial information along with several Excel "recipes" of interest to electronics engineers. The accompanying CD-ROM features ready-to-run, customizable Excel worksheets derived from the book examples, which will be useful tools to add to any electronics engineer%27s spreadsheet toolbox.
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