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The Primal Blueprint Cookbook
Категория: Кулинария
Дата: 11 апреля 2012 | Просмотров: 1511
Автор: Mark Sisson,Jennifer Meier
The Primal Blueprint Cookbook
Издательство: Primal Nutrition
Год : 2010
ISBN: 0982207727
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 7 Мб
Язык: English
Качество: хорошее
The popularity of the low carb/paleo/Primal way of eating has exploded, as people discover an appealing and sustainable alternative to the restrictive diets and flawed conventional wisdom that lead to burnout and failed weight loss efforts.
The dream of eating satisfying meals-even on a budget-controlling weight and feeling great has now become a reality. As you build momentum for Primal eating, you'll find that you won't even miss the bland, boring, low-fat foods that previously were the central focus of your diet. How can you argue with a menu that includes Roasted Leg of Lamb with Herbs and Garlic, Salmon Chowder with Coconut Milk, Tomatoes Stuffed with Ground Bison and Eggs, and Baked Chocolate Custard?
This isn't a crash course diet. These and the other Primal recipes provide the foundation for a lifetime of delicious, healthy eating, high energy and protection from common health problems that arise from eating the SAD (Standard American Diet).
The Primal Blueprint Cookbook
The Primal Blueprint Cookbook
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