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Whiskey & Spirits for Dummies
Категория: Кулинария

Назва: Whiskey & Spirits for Dummies
Видавництво: Perry Luntz
Рік: 2007
Формат: 335 pages | PDF
Розмір: 5,6 mb
Would you like to better appreciate fine distilled spirits? Whiskey & Spirits For Dummies is your complete guide to selecting and enjoying this family of noble beverages, flavor by flavor. From whiskey, rum, and brandy to vodka, gin, and cordials, this handy reference traces the history of distilled spirits, explains how they are made, and shows you how to evaluate, serve, and savor them.
Ever wonder why the Irish spell it “whiskey” and the Scottish “whisky”? This friendly book tells you as it reveals where the first whiskeys — or “dark” spirits — originated and how they came to the United States. It also explores the origins of clear spirits and the different varieties of each. You'll compare American and European vodkas, see how to make the new and improved all-purpose Martini, and follow the spread of flavored rums across the globe. A slew of sidebars give you fascinating tidbits of information about these spirits. You'll also discover how to:
Become a sophisticated taster
Shop for the best spirits
Select the right mixers
Use spirits in cooking
Make ten classic cocktails
Choose and taste cordials and liqueurs
Know the nutrients in one serving of each type of distilled spirit
Present spirits to guests
Set up tasting events at home
This thorough guide also features recipes for cooking with spirits, offering menu choices such as entrees, vegetables, and desserts that all include at least one type of spirit. Complete with an appendix of craft distillers across the United States, Whiskey & Spirits For Dummies will give you the knowledge and hands-on guidance you need to become a connoisseur of such greats as fine Scotch, Bourbon, and Cognac in no time!
Whiskey & Spirits for Dummies
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