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The Secrets of Jujitsu

Категория: Здоровье, спорт

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Date Дата: 23 мая 2012 | Смотрели The Secrets of Jujitsu Просмотров: 673
The Secrets of Jujitsu

Автор: Allan Corstorphin Smith
Название: The Secrets of Jujitsu
Издательство: Stahara Pub. Co
Год : 1920
Страниц: 84
ISBN: n/a
Формат: pdf
Размер: 16 Мб
Язык: English
Качество: хорошее
Jujitsu as a means of self-defense will teach you to take care of yourself in dangerous situations whether armed or unarmed.
It is a valuable study as it trains you to evade the impact of an opponent's strength and attack him at a point where he can bring only 20 per cent of his strength to bear. It teaches you to unbalance your opponent.
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