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Stretching For Dummies

Категория: Здоровье, спорт

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Date Дата: 22 июня 2009 | Смотрели Stretching For Dummies Просмотров: 861
Stretching For Dummies
Автор:Lareine Chabut, Madeleine Lewis
Назва: Stretching For Dummies
Видавництво: For Dummies
Рік: 2007
Формат: 288 pages | PDF
Розмір: 6 mb
Did you long ago learn to fear and dread stretching because of overbearing P.E. teachers who forced you to touch your toes? It doesn't have to be that way anymore. Stretching is a powerful tool that can bring you new ease of movement, an increase in your physical capabilities, and deep composure that requires you to do nothing more than breathe. You can always have access to it-and best of all, it's free!
Stretching for Dummies shows you that stretching is actually easy to do-and reveals how you can reap the amazing benefits of stretching anywhere, anytime. It explains in simple terms how you can stand taller, look thinner, keep stress from getting the best of you, keep your muscles from feeling achy, and nip injuries in the bud. You'll discover:
The why's, where's, when's, and how's of letting loose and snapping back
How to keep from hurting yourself
The benefits of stretching with a partner
How to target specific areas: such as head, shoulders, knees, and toes
The art of breathing correctly
How to use stretching to sooth lower back pain
Stretches to start and end your day right
Stretches you can do at your desk
Stretches for various stages of life-including stretches for kids and seniors
This easy-to-use reference also includes a list of ten surprising around-the house stretching accessories, along with ten common aches and pain that stretching can help. Regardless of how old or young you are, Stretching for Dummies will introduce you to a kinder and gentler form of flexibility that will reduce that nagging tension and tenderness in your muscles and truly make you feel good all over.
Stretching For Dummies

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