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Arabic in three months

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 3 января 2012 | Смотрели Arabic in three months Просмотров: 851
Arabic in three months

Название: Arabic in three months
Автор: Mohammad Asfour
Год издания: 1997
Страниц: 208
ISBN: 0-85285-159-6
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Размер: 27 Мб
Now learning a foreign language can be enjoyable as well as challenging, and not require a trip back to the classroom. Available in both book-only or book-and-cassette format, these Three-Month Language Courses are outstanding self-study programs designed for the individual seeking to acquire a good working knowledge of a language in a short amount of time.
Devoting just over an hour daily to the course, the program provides grammar lessons, contextual conversion drills, relevant word lists, and graded exercises, giving you an immediate and practical grasp of the language. In addition, pronunciation is made easy with Hugo's unique "imitated pronunciation" system, which represents foreign sounds with English syllables. Whether you are a businessman tackling an international account, a student preparing for an adventurous holiday, or simply a lover of new languages, the Three-Month Language Course makes learning easy, satisfying, and more fun than ever before.

Уважаемые посетители, если вы хотите скачать Arabic in three months и не видите ссылок, то скорее всего наши партнёры(литрес) их не предоставили. Можем предложить купить данное издание.

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