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A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language. Nueva Gramatica Arabe
Категория: Учебные пособия
Дата: 20 декабря 2012 | Просмотров: 663
Название: A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language. Nueva Gramatica Arabe
Автор: J. A. Haywood, H. M. Nahmad
Издательство: Lund Humphries, Coloquio
Год издания: 1965, 1992
Страниц: 708, 757
ISBN: 0-85331-585-x, 84-7861-032-4
Язык: Английский, Испанский
Формат: PDF, DjVu
Качество: хорошее
Размер: 98 Мб
Введение в грамматику арабского языка. Книга также содержит сборник текстов и упражнений по повторению выученной темы грамматики. + ключи.
The book contains 52 chapters with a vocabulary of over 4,000 words.
It will serve as a basis for further and deeper study of this classical language and its literature; at the same time it will help to form a good foundation for those who wish to concentrate on the modern written language of literature and the daily press.
This is above all a practical grammar. It is meant for the beginner who is not familiar with the peculiarities of the Semitic languages. Nevertheless, it is comprehensive enough for most students' needs in the first two or three years of study.
In addition to Qur'an selections, fables, stories, newspaper extracts, letters, and excerpts from classical and modern Arabic writings are included.
Esta "Nueva Gramatica Arabe" esta basada en la edicion inglesa "A new Arabic grammar of the written language". Trata todos los temas gramaticales con practica de textos y su transcripcion a caracteres latinos. Se complementa con un glosario arabe-espanol muy practico para el uso de los textos y un indice tematico.
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