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NeuroKinetic Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Manual Muscle Testing

Категория: Здоровье, спорт

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Date Дата: 11 мая 2010 | Смотрели NeuroKinetic Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Manual Muscle Testing Просмотров: 906
NeuroKinetic Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Manual Muscle Testing

NeuroKinetic Therapy is based on the premise that when an injury has occurred, certain muscles shut down or become inhibited, forcing other muscles to become overworked. This compensation pattern can create pain or tightness. By applying light pressure that the client then resists, the practitioner can evaluate the strength or weakness of each muscle, revealing the sources of injury and retraining the client’s body to remove the compensation patterns—reprogramming the body at the neural level.
This easy-to-follow practitioner’s manual presents a series of muscle tests specially designed to uncover and resolve compensation patterns in the body. Author David Weinstock begins by explaining how this approach stimulates the body and mind to resolve pain. Organized anatomically, each section of the book includes clear photographs demonstrating correct positioning of the muscle accompanied by concise explanations and instructions. Labeled anatomical illustrations appear at the end of each section showing the relationships between the muscles and muscle groups. This essential resource is especially useful for physical therapists, chiropractors, orthopedists, and massage therapists looking for new ways to treat underlying causes of pain.
Название NeuroKinetic Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Manual Muscle Testing
Издательство North Atlantic Books
Автор David Weinstock
Год 2010
Страниц 448
Размер 13,7 Mb
Формат PDF
Язык Английский

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