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Methods of group exercise instruction

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 20 сентября 2014 | Смотрели Methods of group exercise instruction Просмотров: 493
Methods of group exercise instruction

Название: Methods of group exercise instruction
Автор: Carol Kennedy-Armbruster
Издательство: Human Kinetics
Год издания: 2014
Страниц: 440
ISBN: 978-1-4504-2189-8
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: хорошее
Размер: 56 Мб
В данном руководстве рассматриваются упраженния разной направлености, HIIT тренировки, йога, пилатес, растяжка, тайцзи, водные упражения, степ, вело, кикбоксинг и т.д. в приложении к использованию с группой людей. Данное руководство больше будет интересно тренерам для изучения особенностей организационного процесса и построения программы в приложении к своему виду физических занятий.

Methods of Group Exercise Instruction, Third Edition, explores the most common group exercise modalities, enhancing readers’ marketability by giving them the skills to lead dynamic, safe, and effective classes. This text highlights the commonalities of a variety of group exercise formats through training principles, correction and progression techniques, and safety tips to enhance the skills of both group exercise leaders and program directors.
Methods of Group Exercise Instruction, Third Edition, moves from theory to practice in a logical progression. Rather than simply providing routines, this book helps instructors develop the core skills needed for creating routines, use proper cueing, and adapt their teaching to new modalities. Teaching techniques convey appropriate training for each muscle group and methods for warm-up, cardiorespiratory training, muscular conditioning, neuromotor training, and flexibility. In addition, starter routines, modification strategies, and instructor assessment criteria are presented for seven class formats: kickboxing, step training, stationary indoor cycling, sport conditioning and boot camp, water exercise, yoga, and mat-based Pilates. The text also touches on alternative modalities, including dance-based classes, fusion, and mind–body training.

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